We understand England doesn't observe the Thanksgiving holiday America celebrates today. Too bad. In many ways, it's our best holiday. No awkward gift giving or receiving. No glittery patriotic chest-beating. No obligatory churchgoing. Just overeating and football. If only it were the English brand of football as well (though today here in Wisconsin we're getting a special treat with our unbeaten Packers on the holiday slate against the resurgent rival Detroit Lions).
The actual idea of the holiday, which has been papered over by commercialism and gluttony as with all holidays, is to pause and give thanks for whatever one has to whatever deity, supreme being or life force one might believe in. Perhaps no fans have more to be thankful for at this moment than those who support Newcastle United, currently the surprise soccer club of Earth. So, as American fans of the club, we'll step up here on our designated day with some thanks. Feel free to comment underneath with your own.
Thank you (fill in deity, supreme being or life force here) for a club that's compelling to follow even when it's not winning.
Thank you for how much fun that makes it to win.
Thank you for a stadium named after a saint, and the shame that heaps on anyone who tries to rename it.
Thank you for fans that make every stadium sound like home on TV.
Thank you for colors that match everything.
Thank you for an accent Americans can't fake in a bar.
Thank you for the Ligue 1 salary structure.
Thank you for not taking those "Pardew Out" signs seriously.
Thank you, belatedly, for the £35 million.
Thank you, in advance, for making someone spend it.
Thank you for 15 points from safety and 26 matches to get them.
Thank you for not letting opponents believe we might be for real.
Thank you for letting us dare to hope we are.
And, finally, thank you for this incredible year so far, and the idea for this site, and the thousands of readers who have made our wishes to be Geordies feel like they've come true.
Thank you for letting us win at Old Trafford this weekend :o)
Posted by: UTD111 | 11/24/2011 at 08:58 AM
happy thanks giving guys! have a great day!!
Posted by: joppadoni | 11/24/2011 at 09:00 AM