With readers emailing and searching our site almost continually in recent days for news about Newcastle United's summer plans and a possible return trip to the U.S., here's what we know: not much. And for American fans, that's not good. The surprising success of the season appears to have made Newcastle a hotter summer commodity than last year.
Sources among our readership who are familiar with Major League Soccer report that talks about a match with Philadelphia Union didn't pan, and the Union just announced a summer date with Aston Villa. We haven't heard rumblings about possible dates elsewhere in the U.S. for Newcastle. NUFC has been coy so far about its summer plans, not ruling anything out. But Alan Pardew recently told the Chronicle in Newcastle that offers are on the table from the Far East and Europe as well as the States, and that money will play a factor in the decision, which may not place U.S. clubs wooing Newcastle at an advantage. “I think we’ll be balancing it out between a financial situation which I think will be important for us," Pardew said. “We now carry a bit of clout and we’ve had a few nice offers, I think that’s important.... I don’t want to hide from the fans the fact that that will be a factor.”
Summer tours for Premier League clubs are a musical-chairs game, and there's no telling for sure yet where Newcastle United will land - Newcastle is still not as big a ticket around the world as some of its English rivals, and until announcements are finished the possibility of a return trip to the U.S. still exists. But we're feeling increasingly pessimistic about a Newcastle visit to American toons this summer.
Personally, I can only see it being France if money is a factor. You're right in saying NUFC isn't as big a draw as some other clubs in most places, but in France, we are. I keep looking at that new 50,000 seater Lille are opening this summer and seeing us playing some part in breaking it in...
Posted by: Mr. B | 03/30/2012 at 09:15 AM
Here is Seattle they just announced Chelsea as the one and only friendly match the Sounders will be playing. Chelsea was here just a few years ago, and on the Sounders website the news was not met with unanimous cheers. It was probably 60 for it, 40 against it. I think having NUFC for a match would be more popular, and they'd surely get at least 30,000 for the game. Doesn't look like it'll happen this year though.
Posted by: Sean | 03/30/2012 at 12:13 PM
I was very upset when I saw the Union had announced a friendly with Aston Villa. Hopefully I can sell those tickets for a little bit of cash at least.
Posted by: Rob | 03/30/2012 at 01:03 PM
Newcastle is a bigger draw than Villa! I think Newcastle's main concern after looking at the finances, is the Visa situation for some of its players. What is the advantage of traveling further for more money and not having all your players? Last summer a number of our players couldn't make it and with the added acquisitions of more African and French players it might not make sense.
I'm gutted as I haven't seen the Toon play in 8 years and would love them to come out to the West Coast like Man U and Chelsea always do.
Posted by: Mathew | 03/30/2012 at 02:12 PM
3 players couldn't make it last year. 1 of whom is no longer with the squad (Barton), 1 who hopefully will no longer be with the squad by that time and is irrelevant even if he is (Ranger), and Cabaye with his odd dentist bill. I'd hardly call that a huge miss on the clubs part in preparations for the year. And judging by this years form, the results would agree. With a little better planning, the visas shouldn't be a problem this year if they were to come here.
Posted by: Derek | 03/30/2012 at 03:21 PM
Didn't Tito miss it? Also wouldn't be surprised if Ba and Cisse couldn't come.
Posted by: Mathew | 03/30/2012 at 03:47 PM
It surprises me a club that had so many visa and travel hassles coming to the U.S. is considering a trip to the Far East. I mean, come on! When they complained about having to fly from Kansas City to Orlando? They've got the hang of America now. Maybe we can all entice them with baked goods or something.
Posted by: Bob | 03/30/2012 at 03:54 PM
Might also need to keep in mind that there is a chance they'll be looking at Champions League qualifying in mid August and therefore do not want the hassle of a long trip and pitch conditions of a Kansas City BBQ.
I also see the Chicago Fire now have a date booked with Villa (Must Miss!) so that does not help at all.
Posted by: Dave From Newcastle | 03/31/2012 at 02:26 PM
It would be nice to see them come to the Midwest again. I had a blast in KC. Would love for them to come to Chicago, but as Dave above me said, the Fire just booked Villa. Fire/Newcastle would be incredible for me to see.
Posted by: Ryan | 04/01/2012 at 11:30 AM