To help while away the international break, the latest IWIWAG podcast asks the not-so-musical question: Is it possible to support a team and not its management? The four podcast partners bandy about the Time For Change movement from our distant and recent American perspectives. Will it work? Can it work? Should it work? Do we even get it? We also give our tack on Saylor, go Goufy on Remy and break down the Pardew 4-4-2 dance step. Plus: Is NUFC more marvelous Marveaux-less? Click below to listen, or visit our iTunes page to download a copy to your favorite device (as we continue to work on the iPhone issue - keep us posted on your iPhone download experience).
Having trouble with the download of the podcast, still trying though
Posted by: Brooks Akin | 09/12/2013 at 11:32 PM